
Year 12 English Foundation

English Foundation is designed for students who have not demonstrated the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Standard Australian English (SAE) literacy skills. These standards are based on Level 3 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) which outlines the skills required for individuals to meet the demands of everyday life and work in a knowledge鈥恇ased economy. English Foundation provides support for the development of functional literacy essential for students to meet the WACE standard of literacy through engagement with the ACSF Level 3 reading, writing and oral communication. Students who have not demonstrated the minimum standard in the literacy component of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) are eligible to enrol in the English Foundation Course.

The English Foundation course aims to develop students' skills in reading, writing, viewing, speaking and listening in work, learning, community and everyday personal contexts. Such development involves an improvement in English literacy where literacy is defined broadly to include reading ability, verbal or spoken literacy, the literacy involved in writing, and visual literacy. Students undertaking this course will develop skills in the use of functional language conventions, including spelling, punctuation and grammar. Sound literacy skills are required for comprehending and producing texts; for communicating effectively in a learning or working environment, within a community or for self-reflection; and for establishing one's sense of individual worth.

Unit 3 and Unit 4

By the end of these units, students will:

  • develop skills in functional literacy, including appropriate spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • develop skills in reading (understanding, comprehending, interpreting, analysing) texts for work, learning, community and/or everyday personal contexts
  • develop skills in producing (constructing, creating, writing) texts for work, learning, community and/or everyday personal contexts
  • develop skills in speaking and listening for work, learning, community and everyday personal contexts.